Hey Good Looking!

Jerry Michael

Bryan Simmons

Ready To Rock This App ?

O. M. G !
This actually works
Every single time! :).
But,how ?

Learn How - Download it Now !

Coming Soon

Your Ultimate Singles

Game Changer!

  • Missing Link to Connect You for Real

    We truly wish we could tell you what this new-to-singles market feature is behind Feature #2 but not until you download it, I'm afraid. And then just a couple more hints until we unleash its matching wrath worldwide.

  • Why?

    Because it is so effective in helping you to find and lock in the right person for you. And in record time.

  • Plus! . .

    if our so called "competition" gets wind of this bad boy, they will instantly understand its impact on their so-called singles apps. Then as if their hair is on fire, they will run out and hire an army of renegade hackers to try and catch up with us in order to simply remain relative in the single’s marketplace.

  • We say, let them :)

    But, First Download it to find out if you're those . . . "Other guys".

This new feature makes stumbleCRUSH
The New
Go-To-Single App

for Singles Everywhere, All the Time

Oh, You Can Keep on Swiping Over There. But You Won’t Need to Once You

Download This

Go Live

Nothing New, It's just stumbleCRUSH Better!

Go Live is a new powerfully effective way to meet singles near you, whether right now in the present moment, or at a time and place to meet in the future. Like tonight for instance :) Think about it, Tap Go Live, and wait for just 2, 3, 4.. then. Suddenly singles begin to appear all over your map in your area, and who are also looking to meet you.
You can Go Live and meet up with brand new stumbleCRUSH singles. Or your mutual likes, friends, your contacts, a family party, business, dinners, an event you set up, or one where you were invited to meet. Set the Flair, Respond and Be There.

Go Live works just like Batman's Spotlight! (Only... No Spotlight, or Bat:) Here's Why:

Have you ever not wanted to go out then changed your mind and decided you DO WANT to go out? Now what? Everyone is out already! No worries, simply Go Live Tap Once and find out where the singles are right now.

Go Live

Tap Once to Go Live

Your Pin Pops Up, Singles See You Show yourself or go stealth.

See Who’s Live

Suddenly, Singles Start Popping In! "Blip, Bleep, Bloop, Blip, Bleep"

Tap a Live Pin, See Who's In!

New Singles Appear. Tap to Say "Hey" Then Like, and Chat, Go Live to Meet"

  • 1. Set a Flair All The Details Where to Meet, When to Meet, Time and Place

  • 2. Select Your Invitees. Likes, Friend and Social, Contacts too.

  • 3. Tap Once to Send Your Flair to Go Live, Out to Your Slection to Meet With

  • 4. Watch RSVP's Come Flying In, Some Can Come, Some May Not But Your Mutual Likes Will Be Glad to Meet Up

Search and Tap your InstaDater

tap Right, tap Left, or Save for Later

Like, Meet, Chat and Date With New Singles Near You
Wherever you are, we are
Play Store Apple Store
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